Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following actions:
Copying using unauthorized materials, copying from someone else’s paper,
allowing others to copy from his/her own paper, or giving unauthorized
assistance to others during a test or examination.
Working with others in completing a take-home examination or assignment unless
the instructor has allowed independent action or allowed any specific aid
could be accepted by students.
Submitting of material in whole or part for academic evaluation that has been
prepared by another student(s), individual(s) or community agency.
Submitting, without prior permission of the instructor, any work by a student
which has at any time been submitted in identical or similar form by that
student in fulfillment of any other academic requirement at any institution.
Marking or submitting an examination or evaluation material in a manner
designed to deceive the grading system.
Obtaining in a fraudulent manner any material relating to a student’s academic
work (theft of examination, collusion with a university employee, etc.).
Attempting to influence or change an academic evaluation, grade, or record by
unfair means.
Permitting another student to substitute for one’s self in any academic
Wilfully damaging the academic work or efforts of another student.
Trying to deceive the instructor and/or assistant by any means such as denying
the submission of a homework/project.
Actions Against
The following actions will be taken against all sides involved in cheating:
The student will receive a zero or negative grade for the related test or
evaluation. In addition, the student may receive the grade “F”, or one letter
less grade than the normal grade depending on the severity of cheating as
judged by the evaluator, for the related course. For example, an organized
cheating action in a final exam may result in “F” grade.
The responsible instructor will file for the disciplinary action. Students
must already be aware of related clauses of YÖK Disiplin Yönetmeliği.
The student will not be issued any letter of reference by any instructor of
the department.
The student may not be accepted to any further graduate program such as the MS
and PhD programs in the department.
The student’s name, the course, the year and the semester and the specific
cheating behaviour will be logged in a departmental database for further
reference to the student.
Regarding students of other departments, the respective department will also
be informed of the specific cheating behavior.